Goblins |
Take a look at some great Goblin cosplays from the Marvel universe through to the Goblins from Lord of the Rings.

Green Goblin Cosplay
One of Spidermans arch enemies, here we see a great cosplay of the Green Goblin at a comic book convention.Throughout the different versions of Spiderman we saw multiple super villains becoming the Green Goblin, the first and most well known version of the Green Goblin was Norman Osborn, other incarnations of the Green Goblin includes Harry Osborn, Bart Hamilton and Phil Urich.
The Green Goblin had enhanced speed, reflexes and strength, he also had many gadgets including his Goblin Death Glider, Pumpkin Bombs, Ghost Bombs, and the "Bag of Tricks"

Goblin Warrior Cosplay
Here we have a fantastic goblin warrior from live action role play, with authentic armor dress this costume give the wearer an intimidating lookGoblins are known as fierce fighters and are featured in many fantasy novels that includes Lord of the Rings, Dungeons & Dragons and Warcraft.

Female Goblin Cosplay
If you think goblins are scary, here we have a much scarier looking female goblin from Wondercon 2014, photo by The Erik Estrada. With green body paint and contact lenses we get a great effect that will give you a reason to be scared.Goblin LARP

Garona Halforcen
Garona Halforcen is half orc half draenei, here we see a world of warcraft doing a fantastic job cosplaying this emissary of the Horde.