Coruscant was the main planet and seat of government of the Galactic Republic , the subsequent Galactic Empire and the New Republic .
The planet , which consisted for the most part this time from a single huge city, is one of the original founding worlds of the Old
Republic, which is about 25,000 years before the Battle of Yavin.
A population explosion with an increase of over twelve
billion inhabitants led to a rapid expansion and the development of a highly modern and civilized infrastructure, which brought the
planet a good reputation. As a sign that you looked at the planet as the center of the galaxy, Coruscant was given coordinates zero-
zero-zero on standard navigational charts.
Coruscant is a volcanic world whose surface is completely covered by a single
city. Together with four moons orbiting the planet the star Coruscant Prime . The temperture was determined by climate control,
natural water reserves are found primarily in the polar ice caps, which are melted to supply the rest of the planets through water
pipelines. The polar ice caps are also popular attractions of tourism. The rest of the planet is so heavily modified by urbanization
that no natural or organic ecosystem exists anymore. In addition, further changes were caused by the Yuuzhan Vong, who undertook the
attempt to "revive" the planet by Vong-forming it.
Coruscant is built very dense, with enormous skyscrapers dominating the
cityscape. The upper levels is reserved mainly the rich and influential citizens and politicians live in luxury penthouses and suites
where you can enjoy the stunning sunsets (these are caused by industrial pollution of the atmosphere , ironically, particularly
colorful). One of the most sought after building was Republica 500 , a huge, high skyscrapers, where thousands of residents took
place. Who had an apartment in this building, had reached the zenith of the general living standards of Coruscanti. Chancellor
Palpatine also rented a secret apartment in this skyscraper.
The Galactic Opera House was a noble building, in which
affluent population indulged the spectacular arts and performances. The Galactic Senate was the center of the policy of the Republic,
was in the debate and decision on far-reaching decisions. Rulers, influential public figures, businessmen and politicians who came
through corruption to wealth, brought their wealth and power in the construction of large palaces and towers expression. In addition
to the Imperial Palace , the times of the empire was the tallest building on the planet, also had Darth Vader had his own somewhat
smaller tower. Prince Xizor , a wealthy businessman and head of the crime syndicate Black Sun , was allowed also to build a palace on
the grounds that was as high as the palace of Darth Vader. This building was constructed in 3 ABY, however later destroyed by an
One of the most central and prominent buildings of the Upper Town is the Jedi Temple , of the thousands of years
of Jedi High Council on Coruscant and was home to the city is dominated by this strong building. Over the centuries this building
experienced a checkered history over time it was rebuilt again after complete or partial destruction.
In addition to the
Senate district with its gleaming high-rise buildings is the infamous Cottage City , a former industrial site, which was now covered
with abandoned buildings. This mainly occupied by criminals and illegal immigrant.
Coruscant's lower levels
hundreds of stories underlying the skyscraper towers Canyon projectiles Coruscant never see the light of day. The lower levels of the
largest city of the galaxy are lit by artificial light own world and for many of the planet's citizens the only place where they can
afford life. Accompanied by the constant hum of the machines, which are used by the elite in the higher levels, this area is also
favorite haunt of criminals and the underworld of the planet. There are also extensive entertainment districts and red light
The lower levels accommodate a larger population than many star sector. In many districts of Coruscant security
forces are powerless, local criminal organizations, enforce their claims with the help of hired thugs and blackmailers and thereby
harassing the population. In return, its own militia has been formed in many districts, trying to protect the people of their
neighborhood from these criminals and looters.
The information about the history of Coruscant date back to about 200,000
years ago. At this time, the planet was populated by two competing species , the gray-skinned Taung and the Zhell . Xenoanthropologen
theorize that it could even be the ancestors and the ancestors of the human population of the galaxy in the latter.
Zhell were organized into thirteen tribes, the " battalions of Zhell " They fought against the Taung in a bitter war for domination of
the planet. To 200,000 BBY, a devastating volcanic eruption that almost completely destroyed the capital of Zhell and brought the
people to the brink of extinction occurred on Coruscant. The residential areas of Taung were obscured by a heavy cloud of ash that was
two years about their country and it plunged into darkness. This prompted the Taung to the name Dha Werda Verda (translated: "Shadow
Both sides rallied after some time of this natural disaster and continued their war against each other
continued. Here, the Zhell finally proved victorious, and they managed to drive the Taung from the planet and forcing them into exile.
The Taung covered in a millennia-long odyssey through the galaxy, until finally in the year 7000 BBY in the Outer Rim settled on an
uninhabited jungle planet, which they after their leader - the name of Mandalore. Insofar as the actually derived from Coruscant Taung
are considered the ancestors of the present-day Mandalorians.
The Zhell spread further on the planet, after they had no
more competition.
While the Zhell cultivated the planet, they were studied interested by some higher evolved species.
While the Columi limited to observations fell by 26,000 BBY, the Rakata on Coruscant one. The Rakata were anxious for some time to
build their "infinite realm". Using a special space technology, of the dark side of power was supplied, they conquered many star
systems and turned the planet according to their own ideas. When they reached the central regions of the galaxy, they fell on Duros ,
Corellia and eventually Coruscant. There they enslaved the inhabitants and forced them to build massive building and the construction
of the Star Forge participate.
As the Rakata in 25,200 BBY, was ravaged by a disease that destroyed their connection to the
Force, they had to abandon their campaign and the enslaved populations of the conquered planet could free themselves from their rule.
With the departure of Rakata began on Coruscant rapid development.
To 25,000 BBY, Coruscant's population already consisted
of several billion people, which had evolved from the Zhell. However, they had it, unlike their neighbors and the displaced Taung, so
far not managed even to develop a space technology. This meant that the population was limited to their own planet and had to struggle
through the population explosion and technical progress with declining natural resources and increasing pollution.
atmosphere at the time was heavily damaged by smoke and exhaust gas industry and ultimately the residents sent so-called "sleeper
ships", whose occupation in a kind of stasis was maintained and could be sent over generations to neighboring planets. It took
hundreds of years to reach the next world, but were successful. In this way it was possible to Coruscanti their neighboring worlds
Alsakan , Axum and Metellos reach.
With the development of the hyperdrive by the Duros and Corellian who had studied and
modified to drive the Rakata, the distances in space presented finally is no longer an obstacle. now it was possible to travel within
days between Coruscant, Duros, Corellia and Alderaan. These centrally located worlds came together to form a democratic alliance which
she Galactic Republic called. All the worlds involved sent a deputy to Coruscant, which was chosen as the center of the new alliance;
the capital was now called " Galactic City ".
With the growing expansion and discovery of the first hyperspace routes a new
coordinate navigation system was introduced, in which the three digits describe the position of a planet in the galaxy. The central
coordinates 0-0-0 Coruscant were assigned and the position of the other planets of which was described dependent with three digits,
the first of the three digits for the deviation from west to east, the second for North-South and the third for Top to Bottom
Dispute over the Galactic capital
Not all members of the Republic agreed with the choice of Coruscant as
galactic capital. Coruscant benefited enormously from this role and so some worlds repeatedly tried to make the planet the title
dispute. A special role is played by the neighboring world Alsakan who wanted to claim the title "main world" for themselves. First
Alsakan tried to enforce this claim to political and economic way; when this failed, there was an armed uprising, which was easily
repulsed. From 17,000 BBY to 3,000 BBY Alsakan tried a total of seventeen times, Coruscant to make the title dispute, which was never
able to.
In 15,500 BBY founded Chancellor Fillorean and the philosopher Borz'mat'oh the University of Coruscant , which
became a center of education and culture galaxy far a good reputation.Attack on Coruscant during the First Sith War
In the
Great Hyperspace War , 5000 BBY , the Republic was first seriously threatened. The Sith led by Naga Sadow tried to take over the rule
and fought the forces of the Republic and the Jedi on many fronts, and they also managed to infiltrate Coruscant. However, the Jedi
managed under the leadership of Memit Nadill to repel the invaders and liberate the planet, which eventually led to the withdrawal of
the Sith.
In 4250 BBY, Coruscant was the scene of Jedi Civil War that led to the third division of the Jedi Order.
Following the armed struggles that were fought on the planet, leaving the renegade Dark Jedi the planet and settled on Vultar down.
During the Great Sith War was Coruscant target of an invasion by the Krath , the Mandalorians and the Sith under Ulic Qel-
Droma and Exar Kun . The Jedi and the Republic forces managed to repel the invaders and capture in the course of this battle Ulic
Qel-Droma. He was placed on Coruscant in the Senate Hall in court, but before his conviction of Exar Kun and his Massassi warriors
freed. This exemption ended with the death of the old Jedi Master Vodo Siosk-Baas .
The Jedi move their library of Ossus to
When the First Sith War Jedi Library on Ossus was destroyed, erected the Jedi Order on Coruscant, the new library. It
was not able to bring all the old writings, recordings and books to safety in time, so that the archives were partially irretrievably
destroyed. The new library was created using the time as it was, however, larger and more extensive ever been to the old library.
With the relocation of such a center to Coruscant, the planet also important for the world Jedi Order, who moved his entire
headquarters there. With the advent of the Jedi in the central world of the Republic of the connections between the Jedi and the
Senate and the Supreme Chancellor were brought closer.
Nearly 350 years later, during the Great Galactic War between the
Republic and the Sith Empire , directed the allied with the Sith Mandalorians in the year 3661 BBY, a blockade of Hydianischen trade
route one, making it among other things on Coruscant to famine and uprisings in the lower planes came. It was not until a year later
the blockade broken was, the situation improved again. Some years later, in 3653 BBY , attacked the Sith Coruscant. They bombed large
sections of the city, destroyed the Jedi Temple and took the towers of the city. With Coruscant hostage, the Sith of the Republic
forced the Treaty of Coruscant on before they left the planet. The Jedi left Coruscant now for some time and withdrew to Tython back.
Some years later, parts of the city were still not rebuilt, but only the economically and militarily important areas.
the next millennia it was peaceful on Coruscant, though the Republic was involved in many other wars and rebellions, but were
discharged on other worlds. With the inclusion of other worlds in the Republic, the Senate continued to grow. Politics and culture
specific public life on the planet.
During the Clone Wars, Coruscant was the seat of the military headquarters and senior
management team. Besides huge barracks for regular armed forces of the clone army , the logistics center and the planning staff also
was the SE-brigade under Jedi General Zey Arligan stationed on Coruscant.
In the Second Battle of Coruscant , in the final
stages of the Clone Wars, became Chancellor Palpatine from separatist organizations abducted from his seat of government on Coruscant
and on the spaceship of General Grievous brought, where he was finally freed through the use of two Jedi. By fighting on the planet
and in orbit, the capital was heavily damaged. In the wake of the sinking of the Republic of the Jedi Temple was destroyed during the
execution of Order 66 and Operation Knightfall by Darth Vader.
Imperial age of Coruscant
After the end of the
Galactic Republic also chose the Empire from Coruscant as the headquarters of his government. The capital of Galactic City was renamed
Imperial City and the Emperor drew a huge palace , which now represented the tallest structure on the planet. After the death of the
Emperor always more worlds slid the empire by the hands and joined the former rebels.
In 6 ABY, could the renegade
squadron the planet Borleias for the New Republic conquer and had thus a springboard for the planet Coruscant. In an undercover
mission, the planetary shields were disabled and Admiral Ackbar's fleet took over the planet in a coup, so the first step is to follow
the old republic was done. Ysanne Isard , who led the Empire at the time, put the planet the Krytos- virus and infected many parts of
the non-human population of the planet. The New Republic went slowly into bankruptcy, because the prices of Bacta , which was the only
one able to cure the virus, enormously increased. As the pilot Corran Horn from her private prison Lusankya escaped, started even
during the victory celebration her Super Star Destroyer , the Lusankya , their actual prison. She left a huge gaping hole and killed
numerous citizens of the planet. The Krytos virus could eventually be stopped and Coruscant was now the official home world of the New
8 ABY, traveled Leia Organa in the Hapes Consortium , the Hapaner to support the fight against Warlord Zsinj to
ask. The Hapaner made ??with 63 battle dragons a return visit to Coruscant and Prince Isolder , heir to the throne of the consortium,
Leia Organa made ??a marriage proposal. As dowry Organa Solo and thus the New Republic received a number of Star Destroyers. However,
Organa Solo rejected the offer despite the urging of many friends and advisers and married in Alderaanian Consulate Han Solo .
During the Thrawn campaign reached Grand Admiral Thrawn with a fleet on the planet. Although it was Garm Bel Iblis the attack
strike back, but Thrawn discharged an unknown number of cloaked asteroids in orbit. It would have been devastating if the planet were
hit by the asteroid, activated it the planetary shield and began to search the asteroid. Since you a KGF-systems needed to handle
Bilbringi and Thrawn finally defeated. According to the smuggler Talon Karrde , there were only 22 asteroids, the remaining kills were
Immediately after the Thrawn campaign Emperor Palpatine returned with his Klonkörpern back and united the warlord
of the Empire. With his troops Palpatine Coruscant attacked; General Bel Iblis commissioned Taryn Clancy , a mail carrier to deliver a
message to the far-flung fleets of the Republic. The planetary shield was disabled and Clancy could break through the blockade of the
fleet. The fleets of the Empire and the New Republic have left a huge battlefield, but the planet eventually had to be abandoned and
the government fled to the base peak in the fifth moon of Da Soocha in Hutt space . Wedge Antilles , Luke Skywalker and Lando
Calrissian flew with the Star Destroyer Liberator a reconnaissance mission, but crashed on the planet. Han Solo and his wife traveled
then with the Millennium Falcon and the frigates Antares Six and Rebel star to Coruscant. The Rebel Star was destroyed by the ruins of
the previous battle, the Antares Six other hand broke through.
On the planet itself imperial troops and the survivors of
the crash who were saved by Solo and his wife fought. After the Emperor was finally defeated, the planet fell back to the New
Eight years after the Thrawn campaign of former Jedi started Kueller the Alma niches uprising and placed with his
student Brakiss numerous bombs in protocol droid droid from the moon Telti . At the 51st meeting day of the legislative session
exploded, just wanted to keep as Leia Organa Solo a speech, the bombs and tore numerous senators to death. New elections were held
immediately and the Senate decided to launch an independent investigation. The elections, however, ensured that more former imperial
senators got a seat. A motion of censure was asked when Organa Solo received a message from Kueller. Kueller called the seat of the
head of state of Organa Solo, otherwise he would her brother kill. Instant Organa Solo came back, whereby the motion of censure had to
be withdrawn. Then took Mon Mothma their position were held as head of state until elections. The danger posed by Kueller, however,
could be dispelled and Organa Solo took her seat as head of state.
During the Yuuzhan Vong invasion Also consider these
foreign warriors were particularly interested in the central world Coruscant. For many millennia the Yuuzhan Vong searched their home
world Yuuzhan'tar or a suitable planet to create an exact copy of their home. Their choice fell on Coruscant, since this planet is not
only a sacrifice to their gods represented, but also because of the four moons that were used to make Yuuzhan'tar arise again.
The city planet was finally in the year 27 ABY, Yuuzhan Vong conquered by the one and immediately began the complicated
process of the transformation of the planet. The Yuuzhan Vong began immediately with the Saatfall and use to their biots which
"biological paradise" the Durabeton-cities of Coruscant in one - which corresponded to their old home - transformed.
process was monitored by a specially bred world brain , the Dhuryam . Almost every aspect of the conversion of Coruscant was monitored
by the world brain, be it small molecular cells or the orbits of the moons.
A few weeks after the arrival of the former
also began the conversion. Many plants already covered the entire planet surface and ate their way here by the Durabeton building. For
central key areas on Coruscant, the Yuuzhan Vong certain plans, such. Example of the Imperial Palace, which was formed as soon as
possible had. But not only on the planet's surface is played from such things, even in orbit strongly influencing changes were made.
First, the orbit of Coruscant was adjusted and moved closer to the sun, so a jungle-like vegetation was created on the surface.
The three smaller moons were moved further away from Coruscant and the largest and fourth moon was using Yammosk associated
Dovin-Basal destroyed and the rocks of the moon were by the gravitation of the other moons in a rainbow-like ring around the planet.
This ring called the Yuuzhan Vong also "bridge". In their belief that bridge represented the connection between them and their
Although the operation was closely monitored, not everything ran smoothly from, so z. B. creatures that fell apart
again to protein clusters or a fungal spore, which the Yuuzhan Vong came over and a huge itching caused. The Yuuzhan Vong debt gave
the designers . The head of the project, Ch'Gang Hool , was executed. Responsible for this error, however, was the world brain, which
Jacen Solo had telepathically manipulated.
When the Yuuzhan Vong were before the final victory, proclaimed the New Republic
with the pathogen Alpha Red to completely wipe out the invaders. Luke Skywalker was looking feverishly for another peaceful
The solution he found ultimately in Zonama Sekot , a living planet with their own consciousness, the Vergere many
years ago traveled once. Luke looked Zonama Sekot using a Jedi group, which was no easy task, since the planet itself independently
through the hyperspace could move. The power helped Luke and his team eventually find the planet. Sekot decided after a long
discussion with Jacen and Luke to help them.
Zonama Sekot traveled through hyperspace and appeared in orbit of Coruscant,
the Yuuzhan Vong what offset in fear and terror.
Luke had ultimately had to fight Shimrra . Once it was the Jedi Master to
kill the mighty warrior, the Yuuzhan Vong arose and finally settled on Zonama Sekot to. Many Yuuzhan Vong also committed suicide,
while the Galactic Alliance under Traest Kre'fey , Gilad Pellaeon , Wedge Antilles and Sien Sovv retook the planet.
turned out that Zonama Sekot a direct descendant Yuuzhan'tars was the ancient homeworld of the Yuuzhan Vong . Luke gave the alliance
through his act ultimately the victory and created a new basis for cooperation between the new Jedi Order and the Senate.
After the end of the Yuuzhan Vong War, the Jedi Temple was built by the Galactic Alliance in the old style again.Coruscant in
the hands of the forgotten tribe
In 44 ABY, Coruscant was the forgotten tribe of the Sith conquered. Since the Jedi had left their
temple, the Sith were able to sneak in the Senate and the Jedi Temple explore. This year many new senators to Coruscant, including
came Rokari Kem , of Abeloth was embodied.
Darth Malgus Master
Darth Vindican
Sith lord Darth Vindican took Darth Malgus as a student at an early age
Darth Malgus Quotes
"After a thousand years, Korriban is ours again."
―Malgus, following the fall of Korriban
"The strength of my scream buckled the bridge's transparisteel viewport and left the crew's ears bleeding. More gratifyingly, my raged overloaded the fuel slugs of an incoming wave of Aureks. The bright bursts of their deaths raised a smile."
"We must now defend the heart of our own territory. I am enraged that the Dark Council allowed war to reach Ashas Ree, yet I must allow some measure of admiration for the way the Republic has outmaneuvered us."
"You are a mongrel, Adraas. Angral's mongrel and you and those like you have mongrelized the purity of the Empire with your pollution, trading strength for wretched peace."
"You were deceived. And now, your Republic shall fall."
Viserys Targaryen
Daenerys Targaryen Dragons

Drogon, named after Khal Drogo, black with red markings. Larger than its siblings.
Rhaegal, named after Rhaegar Targaryen, green with bronze markings.
Viserion, named after Viserys Targaryen, creamy white, with gold markings.
Sci Fi / Fantasy Art